“America’s Boating Channel™ LIVE” will return for a one-time-only revival and cast reunion show as a special presentation of the United States Power Squadrons® – America’s Boating Club® Virtual Annual Meeting (USPS/ABC VAM).
The new episode will be simulcast Wednesday February 24 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time / 4:00 PM Pacific Time on America’s Boating Channel on YouTube, at Meeting ID USPSABC on FreeConferenceCall.com’s videonferencing service, and on AmericasBoatingChannel.com.
The popular weekly online magazine show, designed to help recreational boaters cope with sheltering in place during the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic initially ran as a flight of six episodes during April and May 2020.
America’s Boating Channel LIVE’s return engagement for an encore episode continues the show’s focus on personal safety for boaters during the pandemic and online boater education, plus boating lifestyle tips on motion pictures, music, television programs, books, and nautical crafts.
The new program will also mark the resumption of America’s Boating Channel’s cross-promotional support of the US Sailing Team as it counts down to the rescheduled Tokyo Olympics.
Viewers will also learn about a new mobile app from United States Power Squadrons – America’s Boating Club — and how to keep their sense of humor.
The show is not only for boaters, it’s also by boaters, with volunteers from around the country serving remotely as segment contributors and on-camera talent.
Segment contributors for the encore performance include Mary Catherine Berube, Gary Cheney, Megan Humphrey, Cheryl Lowry, Louie Ojeda, John O’Reilly, Brian Pinkston, Andy Sumberg, Holly Tompkins, Chuck Wells, and Jim Zeigler.
America’s Boating Channel videos are now enjoying increased viewership as Americans spend more time at home to protect themselves and others from the pandemic and more Americans are taking up recreational boating as a socially distanced outdoor activity. Screening boater education videos is an excellent way for boaters to prepare for safer experiences on the water.
Production of America’s Boating Channel’s fifth season of original boating safety videos is about to commence. This year’s new titles include “Knowledge vs. Skill,” “Safety Wearables,” “Inflatable Life Jackets,” “Cold Weather Boating,” “Avoiding Collisions,” Carbon Monoxide Dangers,” “BUI Fatalities,” “New Label Implications,” “Fire Extinguisher Standards,” and “Marine Communications.”