Home / News / America’s Boating Channel Will Highlight NASBLA Videos on Smart TV

America’s Boating Channel Will Highlight NASBLA Videos on Smart TV

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America’s Boating Channel™, the U.S. Coast Guard funded boating safety and boater education video service, produced by United States Power Squadrons® (USPS), has entered into an agreement with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) to include twelve NASBLA safe boating videos in America’s Boating Channel’s new smart TV offerings.

The announcement was made by America’s Boating Channel’s Vice President of Business Development, Kathy Strachan, and Taylor Matsko, National Association of State Boating Law Administrators’ Communications and Marketing Director.

NASBLA and its Operation Dry Water campaign are central to boating safety advocacy throughout the United States, and we are thrilled to expand our program line-up for both the on-demand app and continuous playing video channel with NASBLA videos and public service messages,” said Kathy Strachan. 

Taylor Matsko added, “NASBLA and Operation Dry Water have a variety of public service announcements that focus on the dangers and consequences of boating under the influence. Including these in America’s Boating Channel’s smart TV offerings will help get these messages out to a much wider audience, reminding them of these hazards. Incidents and fatalities that are a result of boating under the influence are 100% preventable, and we want to do our part to help get everybody home safely after a day out on the water.”

Strachan concluded, “America’s Boating Channel’s expansion from online and social media delivery of boating safety and boating education videos is now underway. We are on track to become the first television channel exclusively for boaters, with boating lifestyle, sports, news, and entertainment genres of TV programming. Launch dates for both the America’s Boating Channel smart TV on-demand app and linear video channel will be announced soon.”

About Jerry Milani

Jerry Milani is a writer and public relations executive living in Bloomfield, N.J. He has worked in P.R. for more than 30 years in college and conference sports media relations, two agencies and for the International Fight League, a team-based mixed martial arts league, and as a freelance professional. His PR clients have included Wizard World and FAN EXPO, which produce pop culture and celebrity conventions across North America, USA Wrestling, the National Lacrosse League, Strat-O-Matic Media, the Pacific Life Open and Pilot Pen Tennis tournaments and dozens of others. Milani is also the director of athletic communications for Caldwell University. He is a proud graduate of North Rockland High School and Fordham University and when not attending a Yankees, Rams or Cougars game can be reached at Jerry (at) JerryMilani (dot) com.

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